Using a Remote Lab for Electrolysis Experiment as part of Renewable Energy Courses

Author: Sanda Voinea, Adriana Balan, R. Morgan Greene, Laurentiu Anton, Radu Tirca, Daniel Costache, Victor T. Dumitru

Published in: Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 74, Issue 3
Accepted on: January 1, 2022


According to the European Renewable Energy Directive, by 2030, renewable energy must account for 32% of energy production. This goal requires specialists with interdisciplinary training in the field of renewable energy sources, who can integrate the concepts of sustainability and the zero carbon world into new technological solutions and develop new green energy policies. In this context, comprehensive, detailed and innovative training for green energy specialists is needed. This paper presents a modern remote lab tool as an open educational resource for training graduate students in renewable energy. The remote operated laboratory allows the establishment of working conditions and the download of data recorded following measurements made by users, through the website. The configuration of the laboratory transforms the water electrolysis experiment into a tool for further exploration of physical principles and the laws that govern them. Using remote connectivity, this experiment can be integrated in common study platforms for renewables.

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